

Kelsey says ‘listen with data’

NHS commissioners cannot ā€œlistenā€ to what patients need without tools such as to help them Tim Kelsey has argued,
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NHS must earn trust on data – Manning

The NHS needs to earn back the trust of patients in the way that it handles data, the chair of
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HSCIC to create data security programme

The Health and Social Care Information Centre will establish a data security programme across health and social care.
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Redundancies planned for 14 CSUs

Fourteen out of eighteen commissioning support units are planning redundancies in order to cut costs, an NHS England board paper
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Online atlas maps health risks

Researchers have created an interactive online atlas of England and Wales allowing the public to view the geographical risk for
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Pier review

Brighton and Hove Integrated Care Service developed a Referral Learning Tool that has been embraced by its GPs and is
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Govt holds Caldicott line on PCD

The government has declined to back down over the use of patient confidential data for comissioning, despite an outcry from
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E-referrals service gets official launch

The new NHS e-referrals service has been officially launched by Beverly Bryant, NHS Englandā€™s director of strategic systems and technology.
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Another CSU collapses

The Surrey and Sussex Commissioning Support Unit will close down and look for options to merge with other organisations.
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Morale of IT staff hits new low

The morale of NHS IT staff working in primary care has declined greatly as job losses and job changes have
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