

Winchester first on second generation e-prescribing

Winchester and Eastleigh Healthcare NHS Trust has become the first UK trust to install a second generation Electronic Prescribing and
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Wales starts summary record project

Out of hours clinicians in Gwent are to have access to an emergency summary care record in a project which
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EHR opt-out debate “doesn’t matter to patients”

The question of whether patients opt into having their electronic records shared or have to specifically request to opt out
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Hants and IOW share records for 1.5 million patients

Hospital and GP records for 1.5 million patients are to be available for the NHS to share in a ground-breaking
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Trusts make use of orthopaedic template software

Ferrania UK has announced that eight NHS trusts are now using its LifeWeb TraumaCad orthopaedic templating software. The TraumaCad solution
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SHA overwhelmed by public response to EHR consent

A senior member of a strategic health authority with a new interim electronic record system has told delegates at the
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Birmingham HSCIC staff protest at relocation

Unhappy staff caught up the relocation needed to establish the NHS Health and Social Care Information Centre have protested that the decision to
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Physio and OT telephone-based services win awards

Two telephone based systems for physiotherapy and occupational therapy have been selected as winners in the 2005 NHS health and
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Graphnet says 45 PCTs now using Xtract

Graphnet Health has announced that 45 primary care trusts in England are in the process of implementing its data extraction
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Cancer network claims time saved by teleconferencing

The Surrey, West Sussex and Hampshire (SWSH) Cancer Network has upgraded its videoconferencing systems to allow members to collaborate without
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