Information governance


GPs doing well on data protection – ICO

Most GP surgeries have good patient data protection schemes in place, but email and USB security and breach reporting could
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IG review panel to report on progress

A new independent panel overseeing the implementation of the Caldicott2 review of information governance will provide a progress report in
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First sign-off for patient data flow

NHS South London Commissioning Support Unit is the first to have its Data Service for Commissioners infrastructure signed off, allowing
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Senior task force working on IG

A high-level task force at NHS England is working on solutions to information governance issues that are stopping commissioners from
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Caldicott2 report treads fine line

Dame Fiona Caldicott's second review of information governance in the NHS has published its report, seeking to balance the need
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Caldicott recommends ‘duty to share’

The Caldicott2 review of information governance in the NHS recommends a new duty to share information when it is in
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Fiona Caldicott calls for IG name change

The term 'information governance' could be changed to 'clinical governance' as part of encouraging a cultural shift in the NHS
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Having a fine time

The Information Commissioner’s Office has issued six NHS trusts with fines in five months. Rebecca Todd asked ICO head of
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Caldicott to tackle fear of data sharing

Junior staff members who are unsure of the “rights and wrongs” of information governance are preventing data sharing that could
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Warning against making IG a ‘black art’

Information governance is turned into a “black art” by some people in the NHS who use it as a barrier
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