Isle of Wight


Wales starts summary record project

Out of hours clinicians in Gwent are to have access to an emergency summary care record in a project which
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Choose and Book set to miss 90% referral target

The Department of Health’s target for 90% of referrals to be made through Choose and Book by next March looks
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500 EMIS practices to get electronic record transfers

NHS Connecting for Health is to roll out GP2GP record transfer to another 500 practices by the end of March
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Hants and IOW share records for 1.5 million patients

Hospital and GP records for 1.5 million patients are to be available for the NHS to share in a ground-breaking
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GPC backs record transfer rollout plans

GP representatives have approved plans to rollout GP2GP record transfer between practices using the same system which they say could
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GP-to-GP record transfer roll-out slows

The second pilot site for GP2GP transfer of patient records is due to get underway next week but rollout of
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Graphnet says 45 PCTs now using Xtract

Graphnet Health has announced that 45 primary care trusts in England are in the process of implementing its data extraction
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GP2GP transfer to pilot next month in Gateshead

Nine practices in Gateshead PCT are to become the first in England to pilot GP2GP transfer of records next month.
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GP2GP transfers: the benefits and limitations

GP2GP electronic transfers of records are much quicker than their paper-based equivalents, but they won’t eliminate the need for paper
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InPractice Systems set to sign for the South

Fujitsu Alliance, Local Service Provider for the Southern cluster, looks set to finalise contract negotiations with InPractice Systems to supply
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