King’s Fund


Predictive risk for Clacton virtual ward

NHS North East Essex has set up a virtual ward powered by IT built around a King's Fund model for
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Healey: revolution would need cash

Shadow health secretary John Healey has said it is ā€œlargely unlikelyā€ that the aims of the 'information revolution' will be
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Power to the people?

Will the information revolution drive choice and quality in the NHS? Fiona Barr weighs up the evidence.
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More doubt cast on impact of info

Presenting high quality data to patients is unlikely to directly drive improvements in the quality of care, according to a
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King’s Fund urges caution on choice

The government should be cautious about patientsā€™ ability to make use of information to choose hospitals, the Kingā€™s Fund has
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King’s Fund calls for brake on reforms

The case for reorganising the NHS in England has not been made and health ministers should reconsider the speed and
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Predictive risk tool for West Midlands

New technology developed by Bupa Health Dialog will be used to help GPs in the West Midlands to predict the
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Referral management centres criticised

Providing GPs with more information about referrals would be a more effective strategy for cutting costs and improving quality than
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Fund looks to tech to assess access

A think tank has suggested that two technology-based initiatives could be included in a raft of measures to assess the quality
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King’s Fund hears more C&B grumbles

Patients value having a choice of hospital but GPs and providers have complaints about the way Choose and Book works
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