Liberating the NHS


RCN and RCM come out against bill

The Department of Health has expressed its ā€œdisappointmentā€ with the decision of two royal medical colleges to announce their opposition
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100 strong CSO up and running in NW

NHS Cheshire, Warrington and Wirral has created a commissioning support organisation with 100 IT staff working for the new body.
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Consortia should build commissioning IT

IT support for commissioning needs to be driven by GP consortia, rather than being provided by the centre, the Primary
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Connelly: NHS needs ‘plug in’ apps

NHS organisations should be able to choose from a range of ā€˜plug inā€™ applications to deliver care to patients, the
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RCGP fuels health bill concerns

The Royal College of GPs has sought an assurance from the Prime Minister that the Health and Social Care Bill
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PAC raises concern about ‘risky’ reforms

The Commons' public accounts committee has joined the long line of influential bodies warning that the "risky" reorganisation of the
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UnitedHealth quits GP provision

US healthcare giant UnitedHealth has decided to pull out of providing primary care services in order to focus on providing
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Information strategy v1 shredded

EHealth Insider has learned that NHS chief information officer Christine Connelly last month binned the Department of Healthā€™s first ā€œconfusedā€
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Cuts hit IT investment, EHI survey shows

NHS trusts are looking to ā€œsweatā€ their current IT systems instead of invest ā€œin new toysā€ as they struggle with
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Hospital IT cuts and job losses revealed

Massive cuts at acute trusts are feeding into job losses, a preoccupation with finances rather than patient care, and cuts
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