Matt Hancock


Babylon files for liquidation in US Bankruptcy Court

Babylon Health has filed for bankruptcy for two US subsidiaries, Forbes has reported, citing filings inĀ the US Bankruptcy Court in
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Babylon looks to sell UK business amid bankruptcy fears

Babylon Health is looking to sell its UK business, including its 100,000 patient NHS GP practice, and may fall into
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Digital Healthā€™s Review of 2021 part one: January to June

Join us as we take a look at some of the biggest stories which we covered on Digital Health in
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Joeā€™s View: Merry X-mas, Mr Hancock

In our last column of 2021, Joe McDonalds reflects on Christmases gone by and why Matt Hancock's 'Tech Vision' cannot
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Sajid Javid stands down from Ā£150k AI advisory role

Sajid Javid was receiving Ā£151,835 per annum from for 80-96 hours work annually, working out to roughly Ā£1,500 per
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Digital Health Networks: Javid must not kick digital ‘into the long grass’

Dr James Reed, chair of the Digital Health CCIO Network, warned new health secretary Sajid Javid against making ā€œchange for
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Sajid Javid faces ‘huge task’ on digital and data in NHS

Sajid Javid has been appointed as health secretary at a time when the use of data and technology in the
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Clinical research to be digitised under Ā£64m plan to boost delivery

Digitising the clinical research process will make it ā€œfaster and cheaper" to offer places in trials and collate results, according
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Data strategy: Put NHS patients ‘ahead of demands for profit’

Patient groups and privacy campaigners have raised concerns over who will have access to the data under the government's draft
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Hancock: How the data strategy will improve care and fuel innovation

In an exclusive blog for Digital Health, Matt Hancock, outlines how the data strategy will help improve care, fuel innovation
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