NHS Choices


Surgeons’ performance data published

The first round of individual surgeonā€™s performance data has been published today on NHS Choices.
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Surgeons to be ‘named and shamed’

Doctors who opt out of disclosing their performance data should be ā€œnamed and shamedā€, the health secretary has said.
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CareConnect for real-time feedback

NHS England is running a real-time feedback service for patients starting in London and the North East of England.
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Joeā€™s view of feedback

Joe McDonald is disappointed that the latest inquiry into the Mid Staffs scandal failed to tackle the regulatory regime. Now,
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Insight Dashboard goes public

An Insight Dashboard being developed by NHS England to display patient experience data will be made available to the public.
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New feedback service on show

A prototype feedback service that will become part of the integrated customer service platform being developed by the NHS Commissioning
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Ten more apps for NHS apps library

The first iteration of the new Health Apps Library was launched this week at the NHS Innovation Expo 2013.
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Cabinet Office blocks Capita contract

The Cabinet Office has blocked the renewal of Capitaā€™s contract to run NHS Choices.
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NHS CB builds customer service platform

The NHS Commissioning Board is working on a new ā€˜customer service platformā€™ to take over from NHS Choices and NHS
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Microsoft releases Health Choices app

Health Choices, a smartphone app that provides health guidance and information about NHS services has been released by Microsoft for
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