
Once upon a time the NHS faced a restructure

With ICSs set to be put on statutory footing by 2022, Mala Mawkin claims that now is the time to
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Beware the ever-evolving ransomware cybercrime tsunami

In his first column in 2021, Davey Winder explores the evolution of ransomware and why cyber criminals are looking towards
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NHS Covid-19 app data to be published weekly alongside Test and Trace

Data on the NHS Covid-19 app is to be published weekly alongside NHS Test and Trace data from next week,
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Report reveals digital health technology must be accessible for all

In order to be successful, digital health technology must be accessible to all while still maintaining human aspects of healthcare,
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Alcidion launches ‘smart clinical asset’ in the UK

Australian health tech company Alcidion has launched a 'smart clinical assest' in the UK which it hopes will help the
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Time to deliver ā€˜business better than usualā€™ with Covid-19 tech gains

Covid-19 has resulted in a tech culture change and Rich Corbridge argues this new agility for a digitised health environment
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Government and IBM strike deal for public cloud access

The three-year public cloud agreement between Crown Commercial Services and IBM, will allow public sector organisations to innovate with digital
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NHS launches online recovery service for Covid-19 patients

An online recovery service for those who are suffering from long-term effects of coronavirus has been launched by the NHS.
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Barts Health CIO portrait included in NHS birthday celebrations

A portrait of the CIO at Barts Health NHS Trust is to be showcased across the country as part of
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NAO report highlights “complexity of the NHS digital landscape”

The team behind a report into digital transformation across NHSE have said they think it highlights the ā€œcomplexity of the
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