
Nervecentreā€™s EPMA goes live at Nottingham University Hospitals

Nottingham University Hospitals have deployed Nervecentreā€™s EPMA solution to improve safety, advance digital maturity, and provide insight into prescribing.
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Why arenā€™t we better at sharing transfer of care information?

Tech suppliers and NHS providers need to work together to improve the sharing of information at discharge. They should begin
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NHS Digital launches its Terminology Server to help boost data sharing

A solution which has been designed to allow healthcare IT systems to speak the same language and promote data sharing
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New PRSB standards published on e-discharge summaries

A re-worked version of the e-discharge summary standard has been published by the Professional Record Standards Body (PRSB).
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NHS Digital planning “big drive” on clinical terminology standardisation

NHS Digital will be having a ā€œbig driveā€ on standardising clinical terminology across health and social care, Beverley Bryant has
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Predictions for the year ahead: UK digital health leaders on 2017

In the second part of a two-part look ahead to 2017, Digital Health News asked some UK digital health leaders
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Healthcare IT news in brief

This week's industry round-up includes news of IT go-lives from NHS Wales, McKesson and TPP.
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SNOMED to replace Read Codes by 2020

SNOMED to replace Read Codes by 2020 and primary care systems must move to the clinical terminology by the end
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GP2GP to take in CTV3 systems

More GP systems will be accredited for GP2GP record transfer in the next two years, and these will include systems
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WHO and IHTSDO partner on standards

The International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation and the World Health Organisation have signed a collaborative agreement to utilise WHO
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