

Wachter: NHS needs ā€˜new central investmentā€™ to achieve digital maturity

Professor Bob Wachter believes the NHS requires ā€˜a new central investmentā€™ to achieve digital maturity and realise the potential of
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Dr Robert Wachter says productivity benefits of health IT are still to come

The vast US healthcare industry is slowly seeing the benefits of a decade of investment in IT systems, but much
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NHS digital leaders explore GDE plans

The breadth and variety of global digital exemplar plans, presented by leading NHS trusts, were highlighted at the second Digital
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Twenty NHS digital fast follower trusts to get Ā£5m each

NHS England plans to fund 20 "fast follower" trusts to become digital advanced in the next three years, using blueprints
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Predictions for the year ahead: healthcare IT suppliers on 2017

In the first piece of a two part look ahead at 2017, Digital Health News asked some leading healthcare IT
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Digital Health’s review of the year, 2016

People and policies came and went at the top of healthcare IT, but some trusts pushed on with major projects
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Enter the CCG: more thoughts on what hospitals can learn from primary care IT

With the publication of the Wachter Review, Dr John Lockley has been thinking about what secondary care could learn from
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University College London Hospitals set for Epic adventure

University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has picked Epic as the preferred supplier of a new electronic patient record.
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NHS Digital Academy ‘will be virtual organisation’

The new NHS Digital Academy will be a virtual organisation that will make use of existing assets and infrastructure, Harpreet
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Everybody will benefit from exemplars – McNeil

The NHS' chief clinical information officer has launched a spirited defence of the controversial exemplars programme.
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