White Paper


Building The Economic Case For An NHS EDMS: a guide to financial modelling

EDMS deployment is not for the faint hearted but the rewards can be immense. Armed with a strong economic case,
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Exclusive: DHI research reveals the barriers to digital communications with patients

Effective digital communication with patients could make the NHS more efficient and deliver huge benefits for patients, so how much
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Addressing weak passwords in order to achieve Cyber Essentials Plus accreditation

Find out how Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust turned to Specops Password Policy to address its weak password
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Through the looking glass: The future of healthcare delivery in focus

With the technology landscape constantly evolving, this white paper from Thoughtworks explores what this means for the healthcare sector and
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How to manage healthcare data in a time of explosive growth

From electronic health records to high resolution images, the types of data healthcare organisations and their suppliers must store is
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The future of digital medication management

This report from Better explores what lies in store for digital medication management ā€“ from how far off is the
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AI: Injecting Intelligence into Healthcare

Accenture's six-country survey among 180 C-level health executives says adoption of AI is measured, but real. The survey assessed beliefs
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Improving NHS Community Nursing with Mobile Technology ā€“ Recommendations for Success

Based on Bittiumā€™s real world experience, this white paper outlines some key technical considerations that are crucial to the success
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Confronting the cyber threat and staying compliant

Cybercrime is on the march and brings with it the risk of worryingly levels of disruption to vital services ā€“
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Could tech help the looming crisis of Loneliness and the Aging Population?

As we experience a growth in the age of our population, so too are we experiencing a growth in loneliness.
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