More than a quarter of acute NHS trusts fail to undertake cyber penetrative tests

28% of acute NHS trusts and 16% of mental health trusts have not undertaken penetrative testing for cyber security in
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PHIN urges private consultants to bring data up-to-scratch

Private practitioners have been urged to update their clinical data as the Private Healthcare Information Network prepares to publish performance
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Machine learning delivers insight into medication’s effects on stroke patients

Researchers say machine learning could offer insight into how individual patients respond to different medication, based on the structure of
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Researchers talk up potential of wearable and implantable tech for people with COPD

Health researchers have called for further studies into the potential of smart technology for people living with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary
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Hyland seeks to capitalise on machine learning’s potential

Staff from Hyland Software enthused about the potential of machine learning in healthcare as they displayed the firm's new suite
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Boost appeal of healthcare IT to drive standards, says chief security strategist

Making healthcare more exciting to young talent could be key to transforming the industry's relationship with IT, according to Steve
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NHS Blood and Transplant CDO: ‘Focus on innovation, not the bottom line’

Healthcare executives should encourage technical innovation regardless of whether it reduces the bottom line, the Chief Digital Officer of NHSBT
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Latest health technologies on display at EHI Live 2017

Aside from a number of speeches and announcements, those who attended EHI Live 2017 could also browse a number of
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Telehealth system trialled with cancer patients in Merseyside

The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust is piloting a new telehealth system allowing cancer patients to have appointments with
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No surprises as WannaCry dominates cybersecurity talks at EHI Live

Healthcare executives drove home the need to adopt new ways of working to protect themselves against cyber-threats during the first
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