

DH tests interest in ASCC South

The Department of Health has sent letters to trust chief executives in the South of England asking them to confirm
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Doubts mount over acute ASCC funding

NHS hospital trusts in the south of England have been told that they are unlikely to receive any central funding
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CSE seeks acute trust partner

CSE Healthcare systems, suppliers of the RiO care records system for community, mental health and child health services, is looking
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EHIā€™s industry round-up 30.04.10

This month’s EHI industry round-up focuses on launches, and features a new tool for integration with the NHS Spine, a
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Personal View: John Cruickshank

The author of ā€˜Fixing NHS ITā€™ outlines his recommendations for a new government and urges ministers to take action within
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Bus stopping

NHS North West is telling trusts they can get off the Lorenzo bus. Sarah Bruce looks at the implications for
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McKesson commits to bring Paragon to NHS

US healthcare IT company, McKesson, has committed to bring its Paragon hospital information system to the NHS market.
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Royal Devon and Exeter selects System C

Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust has chosen System C as its supplier for order communications and electronic prescribing,
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Manifesto destiny

As the general election campaign reaches its final weeks, Lyn Whitfield looks at what the three main partiesā€™ manifestos have
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Insider View: Jon Hoeksma

The editor of E-Health Insider asks whether BTā€™s new deal for London is value for money.
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