Andrew Lansley


DH to stay with new public health arm

Health secretary Andrew Lansley has quietly dropped his pre-election pledge to rename the Department of Health the Department of Public
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Info revolution ‘undermined by cuts’

Patient information services in more than 50% of NHS trusts are under threat or being cut, according to a survey
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Dr Foster and Birmingham clash again

One of two trusts identified by Dr Foster as having higher than expected death rates and more deaths than would
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NHS Choices allowing Facebook tracking

The Department of Health has come under fire for including code on NHS Choices that allows Facebook and Google to
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Connelly says patients will have control

The NHS director general of informatics has confirmed that the government plans to provide patients with the ability to ā€˜controlā€™
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Connelly to speak at EHI Live 2010

The NHSā€™ director general of informatics, Christine Connelly, will be speaking at eHealth Insider Live 2010 next week.
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DH’s info revolution is ‘fantasy’

Analysts and professional bodies have expressed concern about the government’s ability to bring about an information revolution without additional funding
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Doctors sceptical about health reforms

A new survey commissioned by The Kingā€™s Fund with has revealed deep scepticism among doctors about the governmentā€™s proposed
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Lansley: no reprieve for PCTs

Health secretary Andrew Lansley has said there will be no reprieve for primary care trusts and strategic health authorities following
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Osborne tells NHS to support social care

The NHS will be expected to support social care as council budgets are slashed, Chancellor George Osborne announced this lunchtime.
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