Data sharing


Palantir’s contract ‘won’t be extended without public consultation’

Foxglove and openDemocracy have announced the government ā€œconcededā€ it would not offer Palantir a long-term role in the NHS without
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Gloucestershire embarks on mission to better share specialist data

A new collaboration will provide Gloucestershire secondary care teams with insights into the demand for specialist advice pathways coming from
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London ICSs must shift to ‘blended’ approach to digital care

Research from the Kings Fund found Londonā€™s five integrated care systems worked more closely made "massive" digital gains during the
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Digital innovation must be ‘at heart’ of healthcare reform

Public Policy Projects called on the government to use digital innovation to better enable collaboration across the NHS and social
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Interoperability should not come at cost of “transparent” procurement

Integrated care systems will need to have interoperability embedded if true joined up health and care is to be achieved,
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NHS overhaul: ‘Real opportunity’ for digital leaders to shape the future

The chair of Digital Health's CCIO Network has said government plans to overhaul the NHS provide "real opportunity" for digital
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Poor data flows ‘throttled’ timely response to Covid-19

Parliamentā€™s Science and Technology Committee labelled the speed at which public health data was first made available ā€œunacceptableā€.
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NHS Digital signs a deal to help improve data sharing across organisations

NHS Digital has signed a deal with DXC Technology and CSIRO, which will help improve data sharing across different organisations.
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National Data Guardian poll reveals growing understanding of data sharing

A poll carried out by the National Data Guardian has shown a growing public understanding that data is vital for
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Calls for government to invest in local data sharing to recover from Covid

The Northern Health Science Alliance (NHSA) have said investment in local data sharing programmes is ā€œvitalā€ to fighting future pandemics.
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