Digital Health Summer Schools 2019


Digital Health Unplugged: Hack Day winners Hear My Record

The second installment of Digital Health's new podcast explores Hack Day at Summer Schools, including an interview with the winner.
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Digital Health launches podcast with panel discussion at Summer Schools

Digital Health has launched a new podcast to bring you some of the biggest stories and themes in technology and
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Hear My Record links medical record to Alexa at Hack Day

The team wanted to build on electronic medical records by making them easier to access through Alexa, including test results
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Members of the Digital Health Networks Advisory Panels revealed

The panels set the priorities and direction for the CCIO and CIO Networks, and elects the chair and vice chair
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Round up of the best reactions to Digital Health Summer Schools 2019

It's been a busy few days and to keep the Digital Health Summer Schools buzz going, we've rounded up some
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Outgoing NHS England CIO reflects on three-year national role

Will Smart struck a sanguine tone at the Digital Health Summer Schools as he reflected on his past three years
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NHSX CEO takes questions from Summer School delegates

Matthew Gould answered a number of questions ranging from how his previous job experience could help in the new role,
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Network for BME women in digital health launched at Summer Schools

It aims to develop a more inclusive leadership within the NHS that reflects the diversity of the workforce and support
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IT leaders pull up their pink socks for Summer Schools day one

The Digital Health Summer Schools 2019 has kicked off with international keynotes from Nick Adkins, John Halamka and Margunn Aenestad.
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Diversity can help make the NHS an employer of choice for innovators

Looking around the room at last yearā€™s Digital Health Summer Schools, Shera Chok realised she was one of the few
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