digital patient


Who are PRSB and what is their role in digital health?

The Professional Record Standards Body was established back in 2013 to develop clinical standards for health and care records.
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Special report: Digital Patient

Achieving a shift to digital patient services is a golden thread of STP plans, Claire Read examines how the landscape
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Digital patient services offer ā€˜bright hope’ – Nuffield

However enthusiasm for wearables, remote monitoring and video consultations needs to be tempered by lack of clear evidence, the Nuffield
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Gareth Baxendale: can wearables count for medicine?

The head of technology for the NIHR Clinical Research Network says fitness apps are already being used to recruit people
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Remote heart failure monitoring tested in Buckinghamshire

A portal aggregating heart failure data for more than a hundred patients will be deployed in Buckinghamshire.
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Remote video family therapy trialled in Lincolnshire

A rural northern county is benefiting from an online psychological family therapy service for patients with severe mental illness and
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Verify (and Facebook) tested for NHS online identity service

The new director of the governmentā€™s online identity scheme has raised the possibility of rolling out the service in the
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Tinder hooks 200,000 people up to online health – report

More than 200,000 people have been through the Governmentā€™s flag ship attempt to improve digital health skills, a Tinder Foundation
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DrDoctor cuts DNAs at Guyā€™s and St Thomasā€™

Guyā€™s and St Thomasā€™ Foundation Trust chief technology officer says that introducing a new digital booking system will save the
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eRedbook linked up to screening data

Parents in London are being invited to register to use the eRedbook personal child health record.
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