

Alder Hey Childrenā€™s NHS Foundation Trust introduces children’s app

An app which helps children during their stay at hospital has been launched at Alder Hey Childrenā€™s NHS Foundation Trust,
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Digital Healthā€™s review of the year, 2017

What a year 2017 has been in the world of digital health. It was a year you couldn't avoid with
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NHS England getting set to launch Local Integrated Care Record Exemplars

NHS England is getting set to issue invitations to apply to become one of five expected new integrated care record
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North East Ambulance selected as Ambulance GDE

North East Ambulance Service NHS Trust has been selected to be one of four ambulance services to become a Global
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NHS Digital Academy opens for applications

The NHS Digital Academy has opened its doors for applications. It intendeds to train 300 digital leaders over the next
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NHS England CIO says service needs ā€˜at leastā€™ another Ā£4.2 billion for IT

NHS Englandā€™s CIO Will Smart has said the NHS needs at least another Ā£4.2 billion of IT investment to finish
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Swindells says NHSā€™s digital best are ā€˜mediocreā€™ by international standards

The NHS has a system that has almost all the patients in the wrong place, according to NHS England's national
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NHS Digital Academy to open doors to non-GDEs

The high-profile NHS Digital Academy is set to kick off in April next year with its new chief executive Rachel
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New Ā£10m exemplar initiative for Lorenzo trusts

NHS Digital has announced there will be a specific exemplar initiative for trusts using the electronic patient record Lorenzo
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Four global digital exemplars shortlisted in new look EHI Awards

The EHI Awards, dedicated to celebrating success in the healthcare IT industry, returns with a new category - the best
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