

Want to quit? There’s an app for that

The Department of Health has launched an iPhone application to help people stop smoking. The application was launched today by
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Mayo Clinic to develop mobile phone apps

The internationally renowned Mayo Clinic has announced plans to jointly develop and sell mobile phone health applications.
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Critical Care data debuts on iPhone

On Monday Apple showcased a third party app that allows doctors to monitor patients’ vital signs remotely. The iPhone application
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DH announces ā€˜app storeā€™ style toolkit

The Department of Health has announced a new toolkit that will allow trusts and other developers to create and share
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Cutting the ties to one GP system

GP Dr Neil Paul wonders if IT advances mean primary care should become less dependent on one operating system and
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This is the year to come

Sandra Hempel asks leading figures in healthcare IT to look ahead to 2009.
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ICW looks to integrate PHRs with iPhone

InterComponentWare (ICW) has announced plans to integrate the Apple iPhone and other smartphones with the Life Sensor personal health record
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iPhone service locates open pharmacies

Apotheken.de has introduced a new Web 2.0 iPhone service in Germany, locating open pharmacies and providing directions to them.
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