
The purpose of LHCREs has always been clear ā€“Ā if you were paying attention

For Ewan Davis, the recent reported annoyance over the purpose of local health and care record exemplars (LHCREs) is misplaced
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A tug of war over LHCREs is underway

When the Local Health and Care Record Exemplars LHCREs were created, the official line is that they would support local
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Yorkshire LHCRE to train IT leaders to international standards

The Yorkshire and Humber Local Health and Care Record Exemplar now has 30 IT leaders trained under the College for
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Special Report: Shared Care Records

How much progress has been made on shared records, what obstacles remain, and can the exemplars help other areas of
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New National Locator Service links paramedics to shared care record

The new NHS Digital service enables paramedics and mental health nurses to find out whether the patient they are treating
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Nine demonstrator projects to be established as part of One London

Areas of focus include urgent and end-of-life care, diagnostics, radiology and pathology diagnostics, stroke prevention and improving health in the
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Swindells strikes refreshingly optimistic tone at Expo

In a refreshingly upbeat speech from NHS Englandā€™s famously-candid national director for operations and information, Swindells suggested NHS IT had
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King’s Fund congress majors on culture, partnerships and patient tools

Digital Health News attended the Kingā€™s Fund Digital Health and Care Congress in central London last week to hear about
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Thames Valley and Yorkshire and Humber win last two LHCRE spots

A total of seven consortia have been bidding for two remaining LHCRE projects, joining the three announced in late May;
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Announcements expected on next two LHCRE shared record pilots

Announcements are expected in the next few days on the identity of the next two shared records reference sites selected
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