

Medopad, Inhealthcare and Perfect Ward join Pfizer start-up accelerator

Medopad, Inhealthcare and Perfect Ward will receive a share of Ā£50,000 in funding after being selected for Pfizerā€™s UK accelerator
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Robot surgeons at Barts Health NHS trust start operating

Da vinci robots, which provides minimally invasive surgery for patients, have been introduced at Barts Health NHS trust thanks to
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Digital halves basic administrative work for Londonā€™s child health records

Time spent on basic administration of child health records in London has halved following the introduction of a new digital
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eRedbook to be introduced across London

From April, parents of the 136,000 babies born across London each year will be able to access an eRedbook to
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Islington CCG to deploy integrated digital care record after delays

Islington CGG is aiming to roll out its integrated digital care record, labelled CareMyWay, this year, after months of delays.
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London Ambulance NY outage linked to high demand

As an investigation into five-hour outage, during which a patient died, continues the service says its computer aided dispatch system
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NY death investigated for links to London Ambulance IT crash

An investigation will determined whether IT problems at the London Ambulance Service contributed to the death in the early hours
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London Ambulance IT down for five hours on NYD

Ambulance dispatchers in the capital were reduced to using pen and paper on one of the busiest nights of the
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London trust criticised for not using EPR

Whipps Cross University Hospital has had a electronic patient record for years but many staff are still using paper.
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Billion-pound framework released for Health IT

A billion-pound framework aimed at improving health IT has gone live, with a score of trusts lining up to procure
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