

OneLondon approves Data at Scale for Improvements projects

Three Data at Scale for Improvements projects have been approved by OneLondon, to deliver improved health outcomes for Londoners.
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Consultant Connect tech keeps thousands of patients out of hospital

Thousands of frail and elderly patients are avoiding unnecessary trips to hospitals thanks from technology from Consultant Connect.
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London Care Recordā€™s plans for expansion in 2024

After a very successful 2023, the London Care Record is looking ahead to 2024 with plans for expanding into more
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Leeds Teaching Hospitals rolls out digital resilience course to 10 sites

A successful pilot of a digital resilience programme for MS patients, designed by Leeds Teaching Hospitals, is being rolled out
Read More AI collaborative trial is underway to speed up lung cancer diagnosis

A collaborative trial from, UK academia and two NHS trusts is aiming to improve the speed of a lung
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First headline speakers announced for inaugural Digital Health AI and Data

The first two headline speakers have been announced for Digital Healthā€™s new AI and Data event, which takes place at
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Re:Cognition Health opens concussion clinic featuring brain-scanning tech

Patients with concussion can now gain detailed brain scans to support their recovery, as Re:Cognition Health opens its concussion clinic
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AI & Data gets new home at Digital HealthĀ 

Digital Health this autumn launches a new conference exploring the latest developments in the use of AI, data science and
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London Care Record supporting care home staff in region

The end of 2022 saw the London Care Record rolled out to 28 care homes in the region, who are
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Shared care planning solution is deployed across London

Led by OneLondon, London's Urgent Care Plan has now been implemented across five integrated care systems (ICSs), 40 NHS trusts
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