Patient Opinion


Power to the people

Dr Paul Hodgkin, the founder of Patient Opinion, joins eHealth Insider as a columnist, and advises the NHS to prepare
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EHI Live interview: Paul Hodgkin

Chris Thorne talks to the founder and chief executive of Patient Opinion, who has played an increasingly influential role in
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Patient Opinion to cover social care

Patient Opinion is to receive government funding to become the official site for patient feedback on social care services.
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Info revolution ‘needs social media’

The Department of Healthā€™s plans for an Information Revolution place too little emphasis on input by patients and use of
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Dentists to learn the painful tooth

Dentists have become the latest group of healthcare professionals to be subject to ratings from their patients.
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Patient Opinion now Looking Local

Patient Opinion has formed a partnership with Looking Local to allow people to use its feedback service even if they
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EHI Live 2010 for primary care

Professor Trisha Greenhalgh, author of an independent evaluation of the Summary Care Record and HealthSpace, will be one of the
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Patient Opinion opened to MPs

Patient Opinion, the website that allows patients to post comments about the health services they have used, has set up
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Sites link up for mental health ratings

The patient feedback site Patient Opinion has linked up with NHS Choices to enable patients to comment online on mental
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Patient Opinion mashes up NHS Choices

Patient Opinion has announced a “mash-up” with NHS Choices comments released onto a Cabinet Office website to promote new uses
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