

Trusts must comply with data standards

NHS England will use ā€œcarrots and sticksā€ to get trusts to comply with data standards and infrastructure requirements, says Tim
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NHS must use international IT standards

The NHS needs to use international IT standards if it is to make the most of the current drive towards
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Joeā€™s view: open EHR

Joe McDonald remembers the days of dial up and proprietary web packages. Can the NHS learn from the move to
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Joining up is hard to do

A summit on healthcare IT systems interoperability, organised by IHE UK and the European Antilope programme, urged health to learn
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Looking to the future

The Royal College of Physicians has received a Future Hospital report calling for a radical shake-up of acute general medicine,
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RCP launches Future Hospital

The Royal College of Physicians has called for a new approach to IT, built around ā€œstructured, standardised recordsā€, to underpin
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EHI interview: Professor Iain Carpenter

Lyn Whitfield talks to the chair of the Professional Record Standards Body about record keeping standards and how they might
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Standards for EPRs launched

A new set of standards for the content and structure of electronic patient records has been launched at the Royal
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Open standards key to integrated care

Open standards are key to achieving the governmentā€™s aim of integrated digital care records by 2018, says IHEā€™s UK chair.
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NHS urged to use IT safety standards

Trusts should adhere to patient safety standards when implementing new IT systems, a safety expert from the Health and Social
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