

Digital Healthā€™s review of the year, 2017

What a year 2017 has been in the world of digital health. It was a year you couldn't avoid with
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NHS England negotiating new enterprise wide licensing deal with Microsoft

NHS England is said to be in negotiations with Microsoft to put in place a new EWA for Office 2010,
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WannaCry: How can the NHS prevent similar attacks in the future

Erik Silfversten, a cybersecurity specialist, says the NHS is at risk from cyber-attacks similar to WannaCry if it doesn't improve
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Cybersecurity news round-up

This monthā€™s industry round-up takes a look at the 12-month anniversary of the The National Cyber Security Centre and the
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The threat of cyber attack: could cloud be a solution?

Cyber security and the cloud are both high up the agenda for NHS IT leaders. With Digital Healthā€™s Public Cyber
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More than a quarter of acute NHS trusts fail to undertake cyber penetrative tests

28% of acute NHS trusts and 16% of mental health trusts have not undertaken penetrative testing for cyber security in
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Boost appeal of healthcare IT to drive standards, says chief security strategist

Making healthcare more exciting to young talent could be key to transforming the industry's relationship with IT, according to Steve
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WannaCry: NHS England stresses need for better communications

NHS Digital and NHS England admit more needs to be done in establishing a better communication process to prevent cyber-attacks.
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No surprises as WannaCry dominates cybersecurity talks at EHI Live

Healthcare executives drove home the need to adopt new ways of working to protect themselves against cyber-threats during the first
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NHS Lanarkshire was left ‘vulnerable’ to WannaCry cyber attack disruption

NHS Lanarkshire was left vulnerable to a cyber attack because software updates had not been installed, an internal report has
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