

PAC criticises NHS’s lack of action on WannaCry measures

The NHS has been criticised by MPs not taking enough action to improve cyber security measures following 2017ā€™s WannaCry incident.
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Davey Winder: Reputation rebuilding on cybersecurity is key for the NHS

In the aftermath of WannaCry, the NHS has a long way to go to rebuild its reputation on cybersecurity argues
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Special Report: Cybersecurity

With the General Data Protection Regulation coming into force this Spring, and an array of legacy Microsoft systems hitting their
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NHS Digital Academy hailed as ‘important mechanism’ for cyber security

The NHS Digital Academy will be a ā€œreally important mechanismā€ for improving cyber security within the organisation, NHS Englandā€™s CIO
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NHS trusts fail post-WannaCry cyber security checks

Every NHS trust that has been tested against cybersecurity standards since 2017ā€™s WannaCry attack has failed, NHS Digital has revealed,
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Smart review recommends national chief information and security officer appointment

A chief information and security officer (CISO) and dedicated cyber security lead should be appointed as national figureheads, according to
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Review confirms money was diverted from paperless fund to cybersecurity

A review of the WannaCry cyber-attack by NHS Englandā€™s CIO has revealed Ā£21m invested in improved cybersecurity last year was
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Committee claims one recommendation from a draft review of Wannacry could cost Ā£1bn

The CIO of NHS England has told a committee that just one recommendation included in a draft review following the
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Lack of dedicated mobile apps leading NHS to develop its own, new Digital Health research suggests

Against a backdrop of limited clinical apps from suppliers and constrained funding, NHS organisations are simply developing their own, research
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Cybersecurity forecast 2018: threats and trends for the year ahead

As 2017 draws to a close, Digital Health News spoke to cybersecurity experts about their predictions for the digital landscape
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