Rewired 2021 Day Four – key sessions to look out for

  • 3 March 2021
Rewired 2021 Day Four – key sessions to look out for

Key figures from NHSX will be speaking on day four of Digital Health Rewired which will be focused on all things digital transformation.

During the Digital Transformation Summit, delegates can hear from Dr Simon Eccles (CCIO), Sonia Patel (CIO) and Natasha Phillips (CNIO), who will all be speaking in the morning of 18 March.

The sessions will start at around 9.05am and are due to finish around half an hour later with a Q&A afterwards.

System C & Graphnet is the sponsor of the Summit and the main sponsor of Rewired.

Markus Bolton, joint CEO of System C & Graphnet, said: “For the health and social care system, the whole topic of digital transformation is central to post-pandemic recovery and to meeting the challenges of working together across whole ICSs.

“The day promises a lot in terms of sharing experience and understanding. At the sharp end of things, we are looking forward to listening to Joe Rafferty, CEO of Mersey Care, discuss how Cheshire and Merseyside is already using shared population-level data to plan and to shape services across the Integrated Care System.

“We are also keen to hear more from NHSX – Dr Simon Eccles, Sonia Patel and Natasha Phillips – about central strategy and the centre’s plans for supporting digital transformation.”

Another digital team who will be appearing on day four of Rewired is the one from Great Ormond Street Hospital. The hospital recently achieved HIMMS Stage 7 and delegates can hear from Dr Shankar Sridharan (CIO), Professor Neil Sebire (CRIO) and Sarah Newcombe (CNIO). You can catch the team from 11.25am onwards.

Looking at the digital transformation of medicine

The Summit continues in the afternoon with a session on the digital transformation of medicine, which is due to start at 2.15pm. The session will focus on the use of technology to deliver new approaches to population health management, better care for patients and fostering innovation.

Speakers include Henrietta Bowden-Jones OBE, consultant psychiatrist and Katerina Spranger, CEO of Oxford Heartbeat.

Some of the keynote speakers in the session appeared on an edition of the Digital Health Unplugged podcast, if you fancy hearing a sneak peek of what they are going to say, then make sure you tune in.

The Summit will be drawn to a close at 5.25pm with a session, led by Luke Readman (regional digital director of London, NHSEI), on building public trust in the use of health and care data. Speakers include Natalie Banner who is the lead at Understanding Patient Data.

Day four of Rewired will also see the next round of the Pitchfest heats as more digital health startups battle it out for a place in the final. The quickfire heats start at 12.30pm.

You can also view the FULL Rewired 2021 programme here.

Digital Health Rewired 2021 is the must-attend virtual festival celebrating the best of digital health and care, taking place across 15-19 March 2021. Get a flavour of Rewired 2021 from the video below.

You can book your place here

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