Patient Access launches Covid-19 passport feature

  • 10 May 2021
Patient Access launches Covid-19 passport feature

Patient Access has launched a feature which will allow users to prove their Covid-19 vaccination status on their smartphone.

Users of the app who have requested their medical record from their GP can now find a Covid vaccination status on their homepage when they log in.

It includes information on the date of vaccination, whether it was the first or second dose, and which vaccine was given. It will be presented alongside key activity on the app, including upcoming appointments or repeat medication.

Patient Access is powered by EMIS and has 12 million registered users.

Dr Shaun O’Hanlon, EMIS group chief medical officer, said: “This new development makes it quick and easy for users of Patient Access to check – or prove – their Covid vaccination status.

“We are confident that it will be a practical and welcome resource for people as the government continues to relax Covid restrictions and there is an increasing need to be able to demonstrate vaccination status.

“We hope that it will also benefit GP practices – removing the pressure of requests for Covid vaccination proof and putting the data directly into patients’ hands.”

The vaccination status feature will be automatically available for patients who already have access to their care and immunisation records.

Practices will be required to assess and enable new patients who request their care and immunisation record on an individual basis.

Covid-19 vaccine passports

Last month transport secretary Grant Shapps confirmed the NHS App would be used as a Covid-19 passport to prove proof Brits have had their vaccination, or tested negative for the virus, before going on holiday.

But little has been revealed about how the passports will work and how users will be verified when travelling.

The NHS App allows users to access a range of NHS services on their smartphone or tablet. It was launched in 2018 and offers services including symptom checking and triage; appointment booking; repeat prescription ordering; access to patient records; national data opt-out; and organ donation preference.

Users can already check their vaccination status through the app if permitted by their GP, which applies to all vaccines.

The NHS App is separate from the NHS Covid-19 app which was designed specifically as a contact-tracing app.

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  • Considering there’s so much incorrect or missing info already when logging into patient access,( have checked all my families & inlaws for them – frightening how wrong some of it is) I have no faith in this system at all. Just another money maker for certain individuals .

  • I have finally found my Covid vaccination recited buried under prescriptions (acute) but with no messages or menu tab to take me there it was hardly user friendly. And if the Uk government are going to use the NHS app as the vehicle for Covid passports where does that leave all of us who only use patient access (EMIS) because that is what our surgery uses?

  • All of the so-called answers to the questions being posed on this comment page may be well-intentioned, but they are good for nothing because they are simply individual assumptions provided by other members of the public. The only answers that would be of any value would be those provided by the ‘NHS App Team’, but they remain deafeningly silent in this ‘conversation’. The team is rude in its avoidance and seem to lack any sense of responsibility. The ‘expiration’ date (very American!) has been clarified as the expiry date of the bar code, but why would there be a need to provide such a date anyway. The data saved in the bar code is simply a coded version of the printed personal and vaccination data and is not going to change unless one receives another vaccination. I am logging out of this conversation, which is a complete waste of time.

    • Hi All, I have made contact via email with NHS Digital Support Centre, they have sent an automated response with questions & answers
      QUESTION No 1, My detailed COVID-19 vaccination information on the NHS App/NHS website is showing an expiry date.
      ANSWER No 1, The expiry date relates only to the QR code, which may need to be updated as international standards are agreed. The QR codes will automatically update when they expire, & anyone using the PDF option via the NHS website will be able to retrieve the new QR code for use after the expiry date. The UK Government is contributing to the emerging international standards & the expiry date is only for the BARCODE, which will be refreshed automatically in the NHS App & on the NHS website when these standards are agreed.

      QUESTION No 2, How will my covid-19 vaccination status be displayed via NHS App?
      ANSWER No 2, We want to make it as easy as possible for you to retrieve & use your COVID-19 vaccination status so it will displayed in two ways within the NHS App.
      A summary view, which will contain a GREEN banner, will provide the user & travel operators with confirmation that the user has received a full course of one of the approved vaccinations. There will also be a detailed view which will include a barcode & will enable you to share further additional information including their vaccination history. If you have not received the necessary vaccinations then this position will be shown via an ORANGE banner on the summary screen.

    • Hi, I’ve now received an email 31/05/21 2 Weeks after first questioning the expiration date, yes it’s taken 2 whole weeks to answer what expiration means but to me I still ask is the app is really fit for purpose for travel abroad as it seems that international standards have yet to be fully agreed and from the NHS email I received the 2d barcode will be refreshed automatically in the NHS app and NHS website only when the standards are agreed.

      So it seems to me we have an app that went live 2 weeks ago that is not fit for its intended purpose so why did they go live with it and create all the confusion.
      Let me guess the government wanted to be the first and the best so instead of saying it’s too early for the app to go live yet until standards are agreed they just went ahead with it. More track and trace s*#t and even bigger waste of taxpayers money.

      • More confusion, as apparently according to Sky News online 4 days ago Michael Gove has said that a few countries including Barbados & Turkey are now accepting the NHS app as proof that two vaccine doses have been administered to the named traveller. So I’ve taken a look at the Barbados & Turkish travel protocol’s & there is no mention of the NHS app being accepted as proof, all they are saying is that proof of two dose of vaccine is needed. So at the moment we don’t what proof these countries want, so is the online news that printed fact or fiction!!

      • Oh thanks for that. I have just spent frustrating hours trying to find out why my 2d barcode expires.

  • The QR code will expire on 20 June 2021 if the restrictions are ended as currently planned on 21 June 2021, because it will no longer be needed in England. The code is only intended to be used in this country. As soon as we set foot abroad we are subject to their rules for entry at that time, whatever they may be and they are changing all the time. There are 3 sets of rules to follow. The UK rules when leaving the UK, the EU rules when entering a member state, and the individual rules of that state (as states are responsible for their own entry rules operated by their own border control. If the UK decides to maintain restrictions concerning leaving, then the QR code may be retained and the expiry date changed. The Uk may decide to put more destinations on the Red List. The EU may decide to exclude all UK personnel from its planned Green Travel facility if it feels the Indian variant poses too great a threat. Germany has already decided to increase the quarantine period for passengers from the UK for that reason.

    • Phillip You say the code is only intended for use in this country as you seem to know so much would you like to share where your getting your information from please
      As the NHS up to still haven’t replied to my Q regards the expiration date.
      I’m still awaiting a reply from have been assigned to a specialist team since Monday 17th May.

      And then we have my question regards the “only intended to be used in this country”

      So your telling me and all the others that the NHS has set up a Covid 19 travel status on the NHS app and it’s no good for travel abroad even though when I go to the app and log in I get the information from the NHS app saying

      “ Your Covid 19 status
      You need to know this when asked by officials.

      Before you travel you’ll need to

      * Check the entry requirements for your destination
      *Make sure your vaccine information is correct.

      If all this is correct then IMO it’s all a waste of time and money.
      Yes I understand it’s each individuals responsibility to check before travel abroad a destination countries entry requirements but it seems to me the app and your status is only good for UK officials if you are correct.
      Maybe I can get in a pub in the UK if I show it as that’s all app seems to be worth at the moment.

      And again why no official reply from the NHS or government regards this matter, they just seem to be waiting for what other countries may decide , surely the NHS or government could give an explanation but it seems they’re scared of getting more egg on their faces after the track and trace farce.

      Happy holidays all, see you all in Blackpool…

    • At the moment this site is showing 106 comments, does that not tell “the clever people that instigated it” that the site is confusing, unclear and difficult to understand, which to me says that it is not fit for purpose, is not easy to understand by non geeks, and probably cost another bloody fortune in the first place.
      The people that set these ideas going appear to make everything as complicated as they can and then add a bit more to it just incase anybody can work it out. Why?

    • FFS why can’t the UK adapt the same documentation as our bearest neighbours, France and Holland. Why do we have to be bloody different. It appears to me that if tge EU say it’s black, Johnson and his cronies will say it’s white . Would it not be easier and cheaper to go along with 27 other countries than to create ” the best one in the world”, just like tge track and trace software debacle.
      What is the matter with the “clever people” that run this country.
      Does this stick of back handers or am I just a naturally suspicious person.

    • Get information from various UK and European websites which is available relating to the steps the EU and individual states are taking and the dates upon which they are effective. Whatever the UK decides regarding outward travel from UK and inward to UK will only be relevant in the UK (and carriers flying out of and to the UK). So the NHS App will have domestic use and we all have to check with our individual destination countries and the EU generally. The EU rules will prevail there unless the individual country has made its own rules. For example the EU white travel certificate rules may not be in force until mid to late June, whereas Spain, Portugal Italy etc have already declared their own. But whatever is declared may not relate to UK passengers if the concern in Europe over the Indian variant continues to rise. Germany has already reacted to that by banning UK flights. Italy’s Green travel pass may not be made available to UK passengers (when it is fully in force for non EU citizens and those from Israel). It is a complex situation made worse by the reluctance of the NHS to fully explain. But the UK cannot make rules binding elsewhere and individual border agencies will refuse us entry unless we follow their entry rules to the letter. An NHS App from the UK won’t deter them unless their own country has declared that they recognise the NHS App as specifically proving vaccination. No country seems to have said that, but Spain sems to require nothing much and Portugal just requires a test at present. So the App and/or a negative test may allow us to get on board certain flights. But there is now pressure on the UK government to put all non-green destinations on the red list because of the Variant regardless of the scientific evidence from the UK and WHO. The App is not just for travel, It is for domestic use generally and “officials” refers to UK officials and any foreign ones who simply need to know the vaccination status. If the EU cannot agree a common policy for all its member states, then they go their own way. The situation is changing almost daily and the UK announcement on what will happen on 21st June may be soon or put back beyond the intended date, as circumstances dictate.

      • So a week gone by since the launch of the NHS app and up to now IMO it’s worthless, I may as well just print a copy off and wipe my AR%E on it.

        They launch an app without knowing what’s happening giving hope to thousands that they’ll be able to travel abroad , they make additions to the app without making their meanings clear to people and can’t answer a question regards what the expiration date really means.
        Surely time and money could have been saved in delaying the launch off the app until it was more clearer as to what’s going to happen, but no the pig headed government and the NHS wanted to launch on the 17th May.
        Another track and trace farce costing the tax payers god knows how much.
        May as well change my flight now because getting away on the 15th June seems like it just won’t happen.

        Clap clap clap NHS for being incompetent.
        That is not aimed at nurses doctors frontline staff etc it’s aimed at the most senior members of the NHS app team who IMO are about as much use as a one legged man in an ar@e kicking contest.

        • Up to you if you now want to cancel your flight on 15 June. Depends where you’re going and on what carrier. Any flight before 21st June was always likely to be a risk. I’d check your carrier’s website to see if it’s still running. I thought I would be OK when I booked a flight to Pisa, Italy on Easyjet for 22 June. But Easyjet have now cancelled it. I realised it wasn’t running when they stopped taking bookings. It was only a week later that they sent notification of cancellation. Their first flight there is now 1st July. As they have cancelled it my options are greater. If passengers cancel when the flight is still showing as effective then it may limit your options and a fee may be payable. How EU countries assess the nature of a Variant risk from incoming UK passengers is going to change one way of the other. Let’s hope they and our own government follow the science.

  • As it is now known that the expiry date of the VR code (20 June 2021) will change automaticallly as the expiry date approaches, the next big question concerns the fact that EU countries will only recognise the certificate to allow restriction -free entry if the 2nd Vaccination date is within 6 months of the date of travel/entry. It is likely that EU border control will actually insist the 6 months must extend for the whole of the period of stay in the EU country. This is because the protection given by the vaccine may only last 6 months, although in young people it may be longer. That is why UK is now researching with a clinical trial of boosters. A certificate showing the 2nd jab more than 6 months ago will be of no effect. In my case I was lucky enough to get my 2nd jab in late February, so the EU will not take notice of my certificate when I try to enter Italy on 1st September. A booster is unlikely to be available until Oct/Nov.

    • If it is a fact that the expiration will change automatically as the expiry date nears that date on an individuals travel status on the NHS App which as to now I have seen no official explanation from the NHS as to what the expiration date officially means.

      Is it that hard for the NHS to explain this question officially to the many people asking same question or is it just the case their as much use as a one legged man in an arse kicking contest.

      • Have just open the NHS app & gone into your COVID-19 status & noticed between my DOB & the QR code a few words have been added, it now says
        2D BARCODE EXPIRATION 20 June 2021. The added wording 2D BARCODE wasn’t there yesterday, NHS should stand up & make an apology to the thousands of people they have confused about this issue.

        • Trev the “2D barcode “ addition to the travel status still doesn’t give an explanation as to what it actually means to people using the NHS app.

          Their still confusing us with no official answer as to what it actually means, well me anyway.
          Lots of people on here wanting an answer from NHS and as of now I still haven’t had an answer from the NHS via email contact despite their telling me it’s with a specialised team for days.nor have I seen an official answer from anywhere else, Just comments on sites like this.

          The NHS really do need to step up on this issue.

        • The addition of the words 2D barcode still give no explanation as to what the expiration means. I’ve see the addition this evening on my NHS app, maybe we’ll see soon what the expiration date actually means.. Come on NHS give us an answer.

        • I just noticed viewing the app tonight the word Pfizer vaccine has been removed and replaced with COMIRNATY.
          Anyone else or am I going mad.
          To me it just shows they have no real clue at the moment as to what’s really going on and are changing things up to suit other countries.
          Me personally wish they’d have just left the live date of the app well alone until they know what will be required by the rest of the world instead of giving us hope that we’ll be able to get away on holiday.

        • And for anyone wanting to know what COMIRNATY means it seems it’s the new EU Brand name for the Pfizer and BioNTech Covid 19 vaccine.
          So to simply put if it’s says COMIRNATY you’ve had the Pfizer vaccine with a name change.

          It seems it was included in the European Medicines Agency conditional marketing authorisation.
          And allegedly the approval of the brand name by other global regulatory authorities will follow their respective guidelines policies and procedure.

      • EU are suggesting to extend validity of their Green (Covid) Pass from 6 months to 9 months from second dose. Possibly will also extend this validity for UK vaccination records

      • Hi, It’s really confusing. But, isn’t the expiration date suspicious? 20 June 2021. What was the planned date for the complete opening? 21 June 2021…
        Do you know whether the QR code can be scanned with a special app only? When I scan it, there’s only some gibberish text. Should not be there some clear data? Thanks

        • Sandor as regards the gibberish text when you scan the 2d barcode it means nothing to me either.
          I scanned mine and the second line reads


          With a further 9 lines of similar text with letters and numbers and special characters.
          As for the expiration date still no clue to what it means just answers from a certain person who when asked won’t say where he’s getting info from, and when I’ve replied to person post goes missing or awaiting moderation.
          Something fishy here as well IMO.

      • Philip: thanks for your detailed explanations. It seems some folks just like to complain!

    • When my husband down loaded the app he had to send a photo of his driving licence and then have his face digitally approved. When I down loaded the app the next day I did not have to. Does anyone know why?

      • Maybe he downloaded you instead…????????????????????

        • Not helpful Garyg!!!!

          • Sorry I tried to INJECT ???? a bit of humour Into the COVID topic but my humour failed ???? ????????
            Sorry Karen. ????????

          • Barbara take no notice of Garygee, his mum has just told him to pickup his toys & dummy & get back into his cot. Now be a good boy please.

        • No Gary my exclamation marks were supposed to show I saw the funny side of your remark. I am one of those who have retained a sense of humour thank heavens.

          • Samr happened here in reverse. I dowloaded the NHS App last night and was not required to show any photo ID. Very easy process.
            This morning my husband dowloaded the App but had to go through the hoops of taking photo of passport, then a video of him holding up a piece of paper with 4 numbers on it.
            We are both already registered online with our GP practice for repeat prescriptions etc.

        • He probably has Face ID and you don’t.

      • Thanks. My concern is that it’s can cause problems during international travel. e.g. I would like to travel after 20 June. What if the foreign authorities think that my ‘vaccine passport’ is not valid, as the QR code expired?

      • Barbara, I’ve just downloaded the NHS app with drivers licence and voice recognition etc. Then went on to download my husbands on his phone and none of that was needed ????‍♀️????

    • Does this mean that PCR tests, are not required, if visiting a green zone

    • I note that app now states “QR code expiration date”
      They have responded to the barage of questions

      • No Alice they haven’t responded, they need to speak out or make a statement. Adding 2D BARCODE to the wording is not a response, but it does show that it wasn’t done correctly in the first place.

        • 5 days now Trev and I’m still awaiting response from the alleged NHS specialist team to hear back from them as to what EXPIRATION date means, seems they don’t know or are waiting until they have decided what it means to them.

          Maybe their having a contest with senior staff and waiting to see who comes up with the best entry as to what expiration actually means.
          Seems to me in the rush to get the app live they’ve gone the way of track and trace and Fck Ed things up again.
          What is so hard about explaining what the expiration date means, if you can’t answer the question remove it NHS. School boy /girl/ lgbt /thing errors.

      • No Alice it says 2D barcode expiration date, now please try harder or to the back of the class and put the D UN C E hat on…

    • I think the “expiration date” is going to cause grief when you show your piece of paper or your phone copy to a border force person in some far off land and they read it as the Certificate has expires. Explain to them, in a language you are unable to speak, that the Certificate hasn’t expired it is only the QR code. Goodluck with that one. If it has to be on there why can’t it be put in an insignificant place in a small front, rather than at the top of the page. Its has obviously caused enough confusión to the user of this site, never mind a foreign speaking oficial that is unable to understand our confusing documents.
      Just something else that hasn’t been thought though and will probable cost a few millón £s to alter.

    • As far as I’m concerned Phillip NO it’s not known what the expiration date really means.
      Until the NHS or the government give an answer to what the expiration date does mean officially, yet why won’t they.

      Anyone can get on a board on the internet and join a topic and give their answers or thoughts but it doesn’t make them correct.

  • An automated answer from the App Help line itself.
    The expiry date relates only to the QR code, which may need to be updated as international standards are agreed. The QR codes will automatically update when they expire, and anyone using the PDF option via the NHS website will be able to retrieve the new QR Code for use after the expiry date.
    The UK Government is contributing to the emerging international standards and the expiry date is only for the QR code, which will be refreshed automatically in the NHS App and on the NHS website when these standards are agreed.

  • I fly on 20th yet until I checked to see it I knew nothing of the expiration date so now I have a date that expires the date I travel – no clue as to how to sort that as there is no warning before you access the site to see the info is correct – not a great start – no clue when it will update or why such a date is needed

    • I’m in the same situation as you!

  • Jamie-lee. As I posted before, I am well aware that people are advused not to apply if travel us more than 4 weeks and I am not going until July. I also pointed out that I am not actually processing my application yet, merely checking out the ‘ins and outs’ so that I am fully appraised of the full process when I need to! I know as well that it is only a 5 minute or so process to obtain written one, but you will have noted the difficulties so many people are reporting to actually get through, and that is before more countries are added to the safe list to travel to, once that happens the NHS site and helpline wont cope with the surge of applications.

    • You’re not alone, I also travel on 20 June! Is the last date of validity the 19th or 20th?

  • I have rung 119 several times this morning to try and get a paper version. Spoke to 3 different people. Eventually was told that it hasnt been set up yet and to try again next week. I would also be interested to know why there is an expiry date. Does that mean that if we print it off ourselves we would need to do s new copy after 20th june? I was hoping to do a few copies and keep them with my passport for the future. I always have hassle trying to connect my printer. Really didnt want to have to keep printing things. It must be really stressful if someone has not got a smartphone and needs a paper version in the next few days for travel!

    • If you have the NHS APP – You do not need to print anything out as te app can be used as your ‘covid passport’ for proof when travelling abroad

      • Sorry also – You can get a letter stating tis but only if you are due to travel within the next 4 weeks as only takes 5 working days to arrive to yourself

        • Do you really believe this only takes 5 days? The government cant arrange anything in 5 days, the website probably wont be working in a few days time, and will take weeks and £??,000,000 to fix.
          Also, why is it assumed that everyone has a smart phone and can retrieve QR codes at random and dont need to print anything out.
          Something else to cater for the privellaged and sod the normal people.

          • You can phone up the NHS and ask for a paper copy to be sent to your address that your GP holds on your records.
            Yes you make a point about the smartphones but their not just for the privileged.
            Alledgedly they’ve spent an alledged 37 billion on track and trace so money to put this app right will be found somehow.
            Yet they can’t find the money to pay the nurses and doctors etc more. Makes my P%%s boil.

    • I have just downloaded a pdf file with the certificate on it and printed it out, no problem

      • Well done, does it give you the explanation of the expiration date… NO…. thought not.

  • Just been on to 119 service. Are they working from home? All I hear after requesting to speak to someone is a child crying and a clock ticking in the background, someone responding by saying hello constantly, I hear them they appear not to hear me, What is going on at this service. Tried twice similar results.

    • The expiry date relates to the QR code not the vaccine. So the QR code is code for one month after that date the next time you enter the app the QR code will be recreated and the expiry date will change. The info is buried in the NHS website and not easy to find.

      • Hi, thank you for this info. Would you be able to tell me where I find this info.

        • No the date does not change after I enter the app, it remained the same 20 June 2021 since I first logged in and says same date today.

          I’ve asked NHS for answers on expiration date and I’ve been assigned to a specialist team but as of yet 3 days later no answer.
          It’s early date yet but surely someone from the NHS would have thought the expiration date needed answering in their Q&As.
          Not a very hard question is it, maybe for NHS though.

          • It will remain the same until the expiry date

      • Many thanks Simon. That makes absolute sense and is reassuring that it relates to expiry of QR code which will by the sounds of it automatically renew each month rather than relate to validity of the vaccine!
        Many thanks

        • Two questions:
          Do the foreign authorities know about it?
          If it’s about the QR code only, why is it not written on the document clearly (and say e.g. at the bottom in lower case)?

      • Thanks Simon. I was in a panic until
        I read your message. Very helpful

      • Thank you,panic over!

      • Simon you say the info is buried in the website where please ?
        I’ve been in contact with NHS over the expiration date since Monday and have no NHS answer yet just an email from them saying I’ve been assigned to a specialised team and they’ll let me know ASAP, up to now no answer.

        It’s okay on sites like this people giving answers but sorry no answers from the NHS yet as to what the definite meaning of the expiration date means.
        Just more confusion from the NHS.

      • Hi, Do foreign authorities know about it, that it’s really only for the QR code? What if I need to use it now to get approval to travel somewhere, but after 20 June? Thanks

    • Yes I am aware, as most people probably are, that you do not need to print the status cert if you are able to download the App or instead can obtain printed version, and that cert status relates to international travel, not within the UK. Everyone though is questioning the need for only a 4 week valid period, especually the Gov guidelines is vacc status cert should be obtained before travel is planned !

    • I know that you dont need a paper version if you have the app. But I want the paper version as a back up. What would happen if my phone was suddenly lost or stolen at the airport?? I would have nothing to show as proof of vaccine. So I have been phoning 119 but so far they are not giving them out.

  • I have emailed my MP to ask what the expiry date of 20th June 2021 means. Suggest everyone does the same and surely someone should get an answer and publish it here

    • The expiry date relates to the QR code not the vaccine. So the QR code is code for one month after that date the next time you enter the app the QR code will be recreated and the expiry date will change. The info is buried in the NHS website and not easy to find.

      • Hi
        I fly on the expiry date 20th June, will this be changed before that date ? or will it not be valid until the day after eek !

    • Yes the same happened to me. Ive tried and tried to speak to covid status helpline on 119 but keep getting getting cut off as soon as the on hold music starts. Out of desperation I phoned other option for vaccine application queries – I can hear them but they cannot hear me. If they are struggling now what will happen as and when other countries go on the green list resulting in a surge in demand for vacc status? A particular worry for those who require a written certificate posted to them but not allowed to apply until 4 weeks before travel ! And yet, Government advice is not to book travel until vacc status has been received.

      • It takes around 5 minutes on the phone to apply for this letter – which then takes up to 5 working days for you to receive it at your home address – which is plenty of time for people going away

      • Expiry date on the NHS vaccination passport/certificate will be instantly spotted by foreign immigration official and if out of date we will be told ‘not valid, go home’.
        Surely if certificate says I have had 2 jabs on particular dates that info is true forever. No need for expiry date on true facts that cannot ever change.

        • BOB your post today is spot on, as you said the true facts are that you have had 2 jabs on particular dates & that ain’t never going to change
          so why NHS put an expiry date on the passport.

          • The expiry date is for the QR code only, not your vaccinations. The code is being updated every month by the NHS to prevent fraud. If you print one off after 20th. June it will have a new expiry date, the date is there for those travelling in the next few weeks, if it expires whilst you are away, then a new log in will produce a new updated QR code.

    • So…does that mean that a new printed copy would have to be done every time the expiry date changes then? I was planning to print a fee off and keep them. But it seems that theres no point.

  • Same, 20 June 2021. NHS, please explain your intentions!

    • As the reference to an expiry date appears above the VR code it seems to me that the code is only effective until 20 June at which date it has to be renewed. Whether the renewal is automatic upon accessing the App near that date or one has to delete the App & start again is unknown but I fear for the worst. Enquiries about this are either ignored or a guess is made by the operator at NHS who actually has no idea but is not allowed to show ignorance. My planned trip is on 23rd June!! So I will keep asking and do it all again 2 weeks before my planned departure date if necessary. Talk about a booze up in a brewery.

    • Paper copies are not necessary if you have the app on your phone. The QR code is updated automatically by the NHS to prevent fraud. Simple if you think about it, someone could print off a piece of paper then ‘doctor’ it. If the expiry date passes when you are abroad, a simple log in to your app will generate a nee one.
      Not actually incompetence, but a well thought out system to prevent unscrupulous individuals from trying to fraudulently circumnavigate the scheme. Credit where it’s due.

    • Hi Laura

      When in the app go to the very bottom
      and tap on
      CHECK YOUR HEALTH then tap on
      CHECK YOUR COVID-19 VACCINE RECORD it will beperfect

  • Why on Earth can’t the NHS simply explain what they mean by ‘expiration date’ in their App. With so many people having the same confusion, and nothing being done about it by NHS, it is clear that those responsible are either incompetent or don’t give a damn about their customers. I’m just pleased that it is not me who is going to expire on 20 June 2021. Haha. Fingers crossed!

    • Paper copies are not necessary if you have the app on your phone. The QR code is updated automatically by the NHS to prevent fraud. Simple if you think about it, someone could print off a piece of paper then ‘doctor’ it. If the expiry date passes when you are abroad, a simple log in to your app will generate a nee one.
      Not actually incompetence, but a well thought out system to prevent unscrupulous individuals from trying to fraudulently circumnavigate the scheme. Credit where it’s due.

      • I totally agree with you, a simple explanation about expiry date instead of thousands of people asking same question all ove the internet.
        Another case of NHS not knowing their heads from their ar#es.

      • Credit where it’s due…. that’s a laugh, the NHS can’t explain EXPIRATION.
        And paper copies are necessary to some people, not all people have smartphones.
        If paper copy’s aren’t necessarily needed why do you think the the NHS are providing them to those who want them. DUH ????

  • Do you need to upload and submit a photo of either your passport photo or driving licence photo as part of the process to obtain vaccine status through the website. I have seen a message on a holiday forum about it.

    • This is what we have to rely on in this so-called advanced society. Second-hand social media BS and those who should be stepping up and providing answers hiding in the shadows and ignoring their responsibilities. It’s not Thursday but clap, clap, clap.

    • Before you use and access your records on the NHS app you have to give ID to the app, I used passport.
      Once verified you’ll be able to see you records and data.

  • Mine has expiration date of 20/6/2021 and also says Comirnaty vaccine ( I had Pfizer) not too bothered about that as both vaccines are on there. My sister has the same expiration date although she says she doesn’t have a barcode with her information, I do have a barcode ( not sure which is right or wrong?) Does anyone think the expiration will change from the 21/6/2021 if roadmap for England is lifted as was the original plan?

  • A lot of people asking the same question as to why there is an expiry date at all, let alone 20th June.
    Why can’t this be explained by the NHS or government?

    • How did you receive your Covid passport? As people receiving these should only be people who are travelling outside the UK and within the next 4 weeks of applying for your covid passport – that is why the expiry date states a month – If not travelling abroad within 4 weeks of getting your covid passport then you simply shouldn’t be getting one as they are not needed unless you are travelling outside of the UK – Thats why it is called a ‘passport’ ????

      • JL as to your post at 15-22 today it’s not just for people travelling within the next four weeks let me tell you that my wife & I didn’t apply for the COVID -19 vaccine travel passport, it was uploaded by the NHS to the NHS app on my phone without asking or making contact to them.

        • Officially it isn’t called a ‘passport’
          It’s shows your “Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination records”

      • How. ?
        Quite simple really, we have access to our records via the NHS app and we can see our covid 19 travel status in the app.
        It doesn’t mean its a passport it’s proof of our vaccinations record and it may allow us to travel to certain countries which allow with the data which is on the app with vaccination dates and a barcode.

      • More disinformation from the internet,
        NO Jamie your NHS Covid 19 Travel Status is a method of showing that you’ve had your vaccinations & the dates and type of jab you’re had which mine states Pfizer which is the 2 doses I had. It
        is NOT A PASSPORT , that’s just a term being bandied about the UK by the press and media and people like you.
        The info on the NHS or a paper copy just shows your vaccinated.

        And Jamie the date on your NHS app is not for 4 weeks as you state, the NHS app went live 17th May and the expiration date on the app is 20th June 2021 which is more than 4 weeks if you care to check.
        Please engage brain before typing finger.

    • It seems to me John that some highly paid person setting up the covid travel status decided to put the word EXPIRATION on the info and now no one can give the answer to what it actually means because they don’t know as their still trying to work out what other countries will allow for travel and what data they’ll accept.

      Whatever the word expiration actually means someone from the NHS should be made to officially reveal what it means or remove the word to avoid further confusion.
      Pig headed Incompetent people who avoid giving answers in case they give out the wrong information yet probably highly paid and think their doing a brilliant job.????????????

  • I too have a experation date of 20th June 2021. I can’t find any information as to what to do after this date. I Don’t fly until the Summer. Can someone let us know what to do .

    • My vaccine expiry also shows 20/06
      I had the pfizer Vaccine and this is showing as comirnaty does everyone else have this as well

    • How did you receive your Covid passport? As people receiving these should only be people who are travelling outside the UK and within the next 4 weeks of applying for your covid passport – that is why the expiry date states a month – If not travelling abroad within 4 weeks of getting your covid passport then you simply shouldn’t be getting one as they are not needed unless you are travelling outside of the UK – Thats why it is called a ‘passport’ 🙂

      • Comirnaty is the brand name that Pfizer has chosen for its vaccine

  • My son seems to think that the 20th of June expiry date is when the actual vaccine expires and is not connected to the so called vaccine passport.
    Can see that will cause a problem at border control in a foreign country.

    • Cominarty is the EU brand name for Pfizer.

    • It isn’t termed officially as a ‘passport” by the UK government or on NHS website-
      The certificate is called Covid Vaccination Status. Ive not applied yet, I’m currently exploring the process required before I travel July. One of the concerns being expressed by many people who require paper version relates to risk that it wont be received in time, what happens after expiry date should there be another need to travel- do they have to reapply? A 4 week expiry date doesn’t make sense

      • Hi Hilary – if you are travelling in July – it is recommended that you contact no more than 4 weeks before travel – and this letter will be with you within 5 working days – Expiry dates aren’t confirmed atm – but they are saying not to contact for a letter unless you are travelling within that 4 week time frame so perhaps this is a reason why

  • Perhaps expiry date of 20 June 2021 is connected with (hopefully) the final easing of restrictions in England on 21 June ?
    It appears we all have the same expiry date, irrespective of when 2nd dose of vaccination was administered.

    • I spoke to someone on the 119 number yesterday, who, having asked someone for clarification, told me that this copy is valid for four weeks ( even though 20 June is five weeks!) and after that date, you have to download another one! Goodness knows why, as I can’t imagine that any information on my cert will have changed! Bonkers.

    • The Covid-19 vaccine travel passport not about easing of restrictions in England, It,s about international travel & entering other overseas country’s with the correct paperwork & or digital details.

  • I have just printed off my “Coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccination records” report.
    The first fields it shows are:
    Name: …………..myname……
    Date of birth: ….my dob…….
    Expiration date: This date shows as 20 June 2021.

    Then comes two sets of information.
    One set for each of the two doses I have received.
    This information is very dose specific and includes the Date administered; Vaccine used, Batch number.

    My query is: what is meant by the “Expiration Date” ?

    I can not find a definition of what it is that “expires”

    Can some one advise.

  • My runs out to whats going on

  • I’ve just printed mine off and mine says 21st june expiration date which is about 4 weeks from today. So if I go into it a week from today it might say 28th june expiration date so its valid for the duration if your week or two weeks holiday. I suppose if you go for longer you might have to print it off a day or two before you fly back. Just guessing as no one can give me an answer.

    • I too have an expiration date of 20th June 2021
      This needs explaining by the NHS

  • I’m the same as most on here with an expiry date of 20th June.
    Why is there an expiry date anyway only confuses us even more.

  • Why has the newly released Covid-19 vaccine travel passport got such a short life span, I have looked at mine issued via the NHS app & it has an expiry date for the 20/06/21. So it last just 33 days from date of issue.

    • Same here. What happens past the expiration date? Mine’s June 20th and I have booked a trip for July 5th. Will I still be able to use the QR code on the NHS app? Who knows…

  • I do not have a smartphone, I use my husbands. Can 2 people use one smartphone to log the vaccinations?

    • Seems most expire 20/06/21 why is this can someone explain

    • You can but your husband needs a different email address – crazy – plus you then have to log in twice at airport to get the code! I just rang 119 and requested paper confirmation for both of us

  • Tried this 119 phone number and there is no option on it to request a paper passport yet another waste of time

  • Can you use the patient access app instead of the NHS app? for the
    Proof for a vaccine passport.

    • Ive asked my doctor and they say there nothing to do with the app for passport
      Rang 119 for a paper version and lady i spoke to eventually hadnt got a clue how i get a paper version and theres no option to click on to when you do call to ask for one

      • You should be able to request a paper passport now.. service is now open for customers

    • you can download a PDF and print a copy of it if you want to

    • It seems pretty obvious why it is going to run out on that date. Because the date they cover is for the green list countries. The government don’t mind you going to them. After the 20th of June holiday countries will still be Amber and they don’t want you to go therefore you will not have a valid vaccination passport after that date so you won’t be able to go…..

  • I have done my second vaccines

    • Scottish NHS has not signed up to this.

      • Theres currently 3 systems in use in Scotland for the covid vaccination jabs, theres also issues as to what information is required to be shown on the app (some countries are asking for the batch number for each dose of the vaccine given). The integration of these systems needs to happen, who’ll actually administer the system will need to be decided (you can bet that GPs won’t do it without payment). I’m surprised england managed to get this done so soon

  • My record shows both Pfizer vaccines but no dates are showing. Can you advise please where the vaccine passport shows

  • My G.P will NOT enable the immunisation part of the app unless it becomes COMPULSORY, but will show it in my medications (which its not ,its a vaccine hence immunisation)

    • Hey, I work in a GP surgery and you have a RIGHT to have access to your immunisations and it takes a few minutes to grant access from the system.x

  • I can see my covid vaccinations as acute medication via the web interface, but nothing in the app.

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