Following the news that the CEO of NHSX has said the APIs of the NHS App should be opened up for innovators to build on – we are asking Digital Health News readers whether this is a good idea or not.

In a blog post published on Friday, Matthew Gould said he wanted to “expose the APIs” of the NHS app, adding he wanted to keep the app “thin” so others could come up “with brilliant features on top”.

The news has been welcomed by a number of people who have said it will create a “positive network effect”.

One of those who believe it is a positive step is Patients Know Best CEO and founder Al-Ubaydli.

He said: “It’s great to see this collaborative approach from NHSX with industry partners.

“At Patients Know Best, our architecture is all about open APIs and partnership working. We are already integrated with apps like Health Help Now, as well as local IDCRs [integrated digital care records] like Bristol Connecting Care, and nationally through the National Welsh Informatics Service. It’s encouraging to see NHSX now adopting this model to ensure more UK taxpayers benefit from this best of breed approach.”

Another figure who has praised Gould’s blog is Inderjit Singh, who is the national lead for the Local Health and Care Record Exemplar (LHCRE) project and head of architecture and cyber eecurity at NHSX.

He tweeted to say the move was a “really important signal”.

While Gould’s announcement has been met with praise by many, others have expressed concern it will provide a gateway for private providers to “scoop up NHS work”.

As the blog post has attracted opinion on both sides of the argument, Digital Health News is running a poll asking readers whether they think this approach by Gould is the right decision. Share your thoughts and we’ll publish the results shortly.