Health CIO Network


ā€˜NHS Cyber Security Batsignalā€™ peer-to-peer alerting system to launch next month

The two chairs of the largest independent communities of NHS digital leaders will launch the ā€˜NHS Cyber Security Batsignalā€™, a
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CIOs and CCIOs urge greater clarity on shared records and data protection

Current data protection guidance is contradictory and not conducive to effective patient care according to a new discussion paper published
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CCIO and CIO networks invite partnerships with academy bidders

The CCIO and Health CIO Networks have issued an open invitation to work with partners on the delivery of the
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NHS Hack Day is coming to the CCIO and CIO Summer Schools

NHS Hack Day, the leading grass-roots community of digital health disruptors and innovators, is coming to the Summer Schools for
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Andy Kinnear: finds inspiration

Family, national figures, colleagues, patients. All can be sources of inspiration, and the NHS needs that in tough times, writes
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Updated Newcastle Declaration to ‘bake in’ interoperability

The CCIO Network, the national best practice community of NHS clinical informatics leaders, has updated its 2015 Newcastle Declaration on
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CCIO and CIO Networks collaborate with BCS Health and Care

The CCIO and Health CIO networks, the independent leadership, collaboration and best practice networks for NHS digital leaders, have formed
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Health CIO interview: Sarah Jensen

The chief information officer of Barts Health explains how she came to take up a job in the NHS after
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Andy Kinnear: has writer’s block

Our columnist can think of nothing to talk about. Except for the exemplars. Or the Wachter Review. Or Salford. Or
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Andy Kinnear: one day, will we all deserve a medal?

The Rio Olympics were inspiring; but Andy Kinnear argues there is plenty that healthcare IT can learn from them, if
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