Birmingham Children’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust is using a subset of OMNI-Lab to manage the bloodspot screening tests taken from 70,000 newborn infants across the West Midlands each year.

The heelprick tests are used to screen for five serious diseases, as part of the UK Newborn Screening Programme, which is carried out by centres of excellence across the UK.

Another of these centres, Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital, already uses OMNI-Lab NewBorn Screening, which manages the process from receipt of blood spot card to results and statistical reporting.

Paul Griffiths, director of newborn screening at Birmingham Children’s Hospital, said it had been confident that Integrated Software Solutions Limited could adapt its software to the hospital’s particular requirements.

In particular, the hospital wanted to develop electronic links to various child health systems, so much of the testing process could be automated; saving time and potential errors that could creep in from the typing and retyping of notes.

“They have always been willing to try things for us and were particularly helpful when we needed to convert 25 years of historic data and bring it into a new system of coding for reporting results; a massive undertaking that they managed for us with complete success,” Griffiths added.


Integrated Software Solutions