The DH have launched a new section of their site designed to offer advice and information to patients considering cosmetic surgery.

The site contains information about both surgical and non-surgical procedures, along with a list of qualifications, a checklist of questions to ask providers, how to complain and links to reputable sites where users can check the accreditation of practitioners.

Chief Medical Officer Liam Donaldson, who launched the site, said: "Good public information on cosmetic surgery is essential. People need help and support to make informed choices about whether to have cosmetic surgery or a non-surgical cosmetic treatment.

"Well informed patients can help to drive up standards among providers in a field of healthcare where there have been concerns."

The site also offers support for those just thinking about having cosmetic surgery, encouraging people to think through their reasons before going ahead with the procedure.

Sir Liam added: "I am sure that the web material will be widely used and will make a significant contribution to raising awareness among both the public and the providers.

"It is in the interests of everyone working in the field to make sure that the public have access to reliable information."

Professor John Lowry, Chair of the Senate of Surgery’s Cosmetic Surgery Interspecialty Committee, said that the committee "greatly welcomes publication of greater information and more reliable guidance for patients considering cosmetic procedures."

The new section was set up in response to a recommendation by an Expert Group led by Harry Cayton, director for patients and the public, looking into the regulation of cosmetic surgery. The group suggested that patients need to have an accredited place to stop and look up information about providers that would point them in the correct direction.

Cayton said: “The publication of this web-based information is one of the ways we can help people be more knowledgeable about cosmetic surgery and what they can expect from their treatment.”


Patient information on cosmetic surgery: