GP practices in England earned just under £119,000 from the Quality and Outcomes Framework last year, achieving 95.5% of the total points available.

Statistics published by the Information Centre show that practices in England achieved an average of 954.5 points, 95.5% of the 1000 points available.

Last year practices earned 96% of the points available so GPs have essentially maintained their performance despite substantial revisions to the QoF for 2006/7.

There was, however, a sizeable fall in the percentage of practices achieving maximum points, down from 9.7% in 2005/6 to 5.1% this year.

Dr Laurence Buckman, chairman of the BMA’s General Practitioner Committee, said the results showed how hard practices had worked to achieve the new standards in the QoF.

He added: “It has already been predicted that more than 9,500 heart related problems, including heart attacks and strokes, will be prevented over the next five years largely because of the Quality and Outcomes Framework. That’s work that will save many thousands of lives, it will prevent the misery of illness and it will save the NHS money.”

Figures for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland for 2006/7 were also published in the last few days.


Information Centre: QoF Scores for England

Scottish and NI GPs top 97% on QoF