3 March 2020 - 4 March 2020
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
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Digital Health Rewired is the most exciting event in UK health IT, connecting current and future health IT leaders and teams with the best in disruptive technology and innovation.
The two-day show opens on 3rd March with the one-day Rewired Leadership Summit for the most senior NHS CCIOs and CIOs, leading into day two (4th March) with the Rewired Conference and Exhibition, aimed at everyone interested in helping shape the digital future of health and care.
Published by Digital Health, the market-leading publishers of news, research and organisers of the annual CCIO and CIO Summer Schools, we focus on delivering the most compelling speakers and original programmes to ensure Rewired has real buzz and excitement and is must-attend event of the year.
For more details and to register, visit our official website: https://digitalhealthrewired.com/