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Road To Rewired – How can digital best help an NHS in crisis?

  •  10 November 2022
     12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

    In association with

    •  10 November 2022
       12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

    Digital Health’s Road to Rewired is a series of virtual events combining quick-fire best practice NHS case studies and industry presentations with a lively panel discussion.

    The first edition of the series will explore one of the over-arching themes of Rewired 2023: how the use of digital and data can make a measurable difference to the intense pressure health services are under.

    Join us for this one-hour lunchtime session to hear from digital health leaders showcasing NHS case studies on saving staff time, streamlining services, reducing waiting lists, shifting demand or addressing fragmentation and duplication.

    This will be followed by a panel discussion and audience Q&A on how best to scale solutions that have been shown to deliver measurable benefits.

    The Road to Rewired virtual events are open to anyone with an interest in digital health and care.

    Sally Massam – Digital Nurse, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHSFT

    Dr Debashish Das – Cardiology Consultant, Barts Heart Centre;  Chair – British Cardiac Society (Digital)

    Laura Harper – Directorate Manager, Adult Community (Virtual Ward), Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust

    Rachael Brown – Group Manager, Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust

    Dr Gurnak Dosanjh – Clinical Lead for Home First Virtual Wards, Leicester Leicestershire and Rutland ICB

    Dr James Reed – CCIO, Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health NHSFT



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