Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE), the international health interoperability body, has announced that it has been joined by 93 member organisations.

IHE, is an initiative by healthcare professionals and industry to improve the way computer systems in healthcare share information. The international organisation, which first started nine years go, is dedicated to creating the framework for passing vital health information seamlessly between different settings, applications and healthcare enterprises.

IHE is best known for running high profile ‘Connectathon’ events where suppliers’ technical experts come together to demonstrate they can connect their systems to those of competitors.

The next European ’Connectathon’ is due to be held in Oxford in the week beginning 7 April. The next US event is being held in Chicago over three days beginning 28 January.

The approval of its first wave of members marks a major step to IHE becoming an international organisation.

Amongst the new member organisations approved in this first wave are healthcare professional societies, healthcare IT vendors, provider organisations, universities, standards organisations, government agencies and other groups interested in promoting the adoption of interoperable healthcare IT systems and electronic patient records.

To qualify for membership, organisations first had to agree to compliance with the IHE International’s governance documents, which ensure transparency, equitable representation, and the disclosure and fair use of intellectual property.

Representatives of the member organisations approved on January 10 will be eligible to participate in the first election of IHE international board members in March 2008.

The current interim board of IHE comprises representatives of the sponsoring organisations of IHE and each of its clinical/operational domains.

Interim IHE International Board co-chair, Eliot Sloane, PhD, Assistant Professor of Information Systems, Villanova School of Business, Villanova University, said: “The number of formal applications demonstrates that the IHE process continues to be very important to the member organisations’ corporate, institutional or national strategies.”

Sloane said that further applications for membership continue to be made. “We are very encouraged by this strong level; of international support and participation as we move forward in brining the newly formed IHE international to life.”



Full list of IHE members