Initiate first to achieve new HL7 compliance level

  • 15 February 2007

Initiate Systems, a specialist in master data management solutions has announced it has become the only vendor to have achieved Health Level 7 Version 3 (HL7 V3) for Patient Identifier Cross-reference (PIX) Manager and Patient Demographic Query (PDQ) Manager interoperability standards.

It demonstrated compliance with the interoperability standards at the Integrating the Health Enterprise (IHE) ‘Connectathon’ event in Chicago last month.

HL7 V3 is an emerging standard for exchanging messages among information systems that implement healthcare applications, and the IHE was testing guidelines produced by the US Connecting for Health organisation to see if vendors can achieve IHE compliance for their PIX Manager and PDQ Manager profiles.

Michael Nusbaum, a member of the IHE Strategic Development Committee, which provides global IHE governance said: “Connectathon events are designed to demonstrate vendor collaboration in order to simulate how patient information can be successfully shared across disparate platforms in a clinical setting.

“Initiate Systems has continually shown its commitment to acting as a healthcare standards leader. The company’s role of linking multiple identifiers together for a single patient is critical to patient safety in integrated delivery networks and the success of RHIO (regional health information organisation) environments.”

IHE interoperability demonstrations mimic clinical information exchanges by creating fictitious patient identities and medical histories, which are set against strict targets in order to achieve compliance.

Initiate’s director of project management, Ian Stahl told E-Health Insider: “The goal of the standard is to be used in any clinical settings. The IHE governance rules are a key target for us to achieve and we are pleased to see our PIX and PDQ product range meeting these standards and making interoperability that much easier.

“It is the key to the future to have future to have systems interoperable and able to communicate with each other for things like sharing patient records and adding to notes. Here in the US, this can bring massive cost savings whilst maintaining the high quality of care that patients expect. In the UK , this will provide a modern architecture approach to data management in what has been called the biggest IT project in the world.”

Stahl added: “With V3, customers get a better standard of model that will make the reading of any XML structures much easier and offering different aspects of clinical data that will make the control of electronic patient records that much easier for technical staff who need to convert clinical data.”

Initiate now plan to roll-out the new V3 system at the end of this quarter worldwide and expect a large deal of interest from customers wishing to upgrade as well as new customers interested in the new technology.


Initiate Systems

IHE Connectathon

Connecting for Health Common Framework

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